Branding Ontario’s Doctor

Our new campaign for the Ontario Medical Association brands the value of Ontario’s doctors and what they do to lead their patients to better health. The campaign features a 60 second video that will be shown in cinemas across Ontario.



“We learned that over 2/3 of Ontarians believe that doctors, working on the frontlines are in a unique position to understand the challenges of our healthcare system and most trusted by the public to address them. This campaign illustrates just how important doctors are in delivering better health.”

John Bozzo
Chief, Member Relations, Advocacy & Communications at OMA.


“Authenticity was critical, so from the outset, we collaborated with doctors to make sure the creative was technically accurate. Then we used real doctors and captured what they deal with every day, be it life-threatening situations or routine check-ups, happy or sad moments, each showing how the doctor is there to give patients the best care possible.”

Brad Usherwood
CEO at Yield Branding.


Enhancing the campaign, are these documentary-style videos of doctors from the campaign revealing how passionate and invested they are in their profession and some of their most memorable and poignant patient cases.



OMA – Radio Ad