The Trophy Conspiracy: How Clients Almost Got Away with Believing Awards Don’t Matter.

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around as we dive headfirst into the age-old debate: do those shiny, elusive creative awards truly matter in the world of advertising and branding? Some cynical clients would have you believe they’re about as useful as a chocolate teapot. But, before we dismiss the glittering trophies, let’s unveil the brilliant conspiracy that clients nearly fell for – the myth that awards don’t matter.


Did you hear the one about us winning nine Summit Creative Excellence Awards? Nine, yes, you read that right. But before you jump to conclusions, let’s uncover the full story behind these awards, and whether they truly add value.


The Client Chronicles: In Search of the Unadorned Ad

Picture this: clients, exasperated and bewildered, clamoring for an ad that’s as plain as a brown paper bag. They’ve convinced themselves that a winning ad campaign should be as unadorned as their corporate headquarters’ beige wallpaper. No frills, no flair, just plain Jane.


The Sweet Sting of Validation

Ah, the myth’s first victim – the notion that creative awards exist solely to stroke the egos of advertising agencies. But wait, what’s wrong with a little ego massage? It’s like telling Usain Bolt not to revel in the glory of winning Olympic gold. Just as Bolt’s victories inspire others to run faster, creative awards inspire agencies to think smarter, bolder, and crazier – to create advertising that, in a word, works!


Elevate and Celebrate: Benchmarking Brilliance

Why bother setting the bar high when it can be as low as a limbo stick at a preschool party? Well, dear clients, creative awards are the bar-setters of excellence. They’re the gold stars on the agency report card, showcasing the very best in creativity and effectiveness. When agencies compete for these trophies, it’s a win-win for clients. They get campaigns that are not just good but legendary.


Trophies as Confidence-Boosters

Clients, have you ever been to a doctor with a string of degrees on the wall? Did it make you feel more confident in their diagnosis? It’s the same principle! Winning awards isn’t just about agency chest-thumping; it’s about telling clients, “Relax, we’ve got this.” And when the creative team believes it’s got this, clients benefit from ideas that can move mountains.


Business Amplifiers: More Than Just Paperweights

The myth says awards are about as useful as a rock paperweight, but let’s talk business amplification. Remember Apple’s iconic “1984” Super Bowl ad? It won awards, sure, but it also rocketed Apple into the stratosphere. Or Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign – it didn’t just win awards; it etched itself into pop culture, sold sneakers like hotcakes, and birthed a slogan that echoed in the ears of athletes worldwide. If that isn’t business amplification, we don’t know what is.


Change-Makers and Culture-Shakers

Some of the most celebrated creative awards go to campaigns that tackle societal issues head-on. Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign, for instance, not only won awards but shook the very foundations of beauty stereotypes. It’s like winning a trophy for standing up against the bullies in the playground – a resounding message that creative advertising can be a force for good.

In conclusion, the myth that creative awards don’t matter is, at its core, a smokescreen – a fantastical tale spun to keep advertising as plain as beige wallpaper.

The truth is, these glittering trophies matter because they inspire, elevate, build confidence, amplify business success, and sometimes, change the world. So, let’s embrace the brilliance of creative awards and celebrate the ones that dare to dazzle. Don’t worry, clients; the trophies are here to help, not to gloat – well, maybe just a little!


Contact us if you want to win, not just trophies, but the hearts and minds of your audience.